Aqua Delfina

Kamerlengo Castle in Trogir by Čiovo Island

Kamerlengo Castle was constructed between 1420 and 1482 by the Venetians when they expanded their control over Dalmatia. The castle served as a fortress to protect the town of Trogir from invasions as well as to exert Venetian influence in the region.

The castle is built in the Romanesque style, characterized by its robust walls and strategic design intended for defense. The design reflects the military architecture of the period, with its square layout and massive stone walls.

Initially a military stronghold, Kamerlengo Castle also had civic functions. It housed the office of the local authorities, including the „kamerlengo,“ a title given to the Venetian governor. This dual purposeunderscores the importance of the castle not only as a fortress but also as a center of governance.

Today, the castle serves as a venue for various cultural events, including concerts, festivals, and theatrical performances, making it a vibrant part of Trogir’s cultural life. The courtyard can host audiences, and the castle’s architecture provides an interesting historical backdrop.

All Bookings can only be canceled and refunded up to 21 days before the booking date.
Booking Changes can only be heard up to 3 full days before the booking date for an upcoming, available date.

Bad Weather Refund: 100% Refund of Money  by Cancellation from Aqua Delfina confirmed by the competent Authorities (Maritime Meteorological Center and Harbor Master’s Office in Split/Croatia), if another suitable Day for the Tour is not possible or available.

Kamerlengo Tango

Once two Lovers very brave,
met every Day for Years,
excited, near a Cave,
loved and had no Fears.

Very young in Age,
her Father didn’t like;
he stormed in with Rage
and gave the Boy a Strike.

Forbade them then to meet,
yet, they didn’t know,
their Hearts begun to bleed,
as in a Lover’s Horror Show.

Soon, they made the Plan,
to met away from Home,
to dance secretly again,
in the Castle made of Stone.

After happily they married,
in the walls of Kamerlengo,
and all the Pain was buried,
in their Midnight Tango.

They danced for many Years,
and loved each other much;
A Love Story for Ears,
who loved their Lover’s Touch.

Kamerlengo Tango

Einst ein Liebespaar,
traf sich furchtlos jeden Tag,
aufgeregt, so Jahr für Jahr,
bei der Höhl‘, welch‘ nahe lag.

Doch sehr jung im Alter,
ihr Vater mocht‘ es nicht;
mit Wut, eiskalt war er,
schlug er den jungen Wicht.

Er verbot es nicht im Guten,
doch sie wussten so nicht gar,
Herzen fingen an zu bluten,
eine Horror Show um’s Haar.

Bald geschmiedet war der Plan,
Zusammenkunft im fernen Schrein,
wo man heimlich tanzen kann,
im Burgen Schloss aus Stein.

Mit Hochzeit sich in’s Glück begaben,
im Turm von Kamerlengo,
ihr ganzer Schmerz wurd‘ so begraben,
um Mitternacht im Tango.

Sie tanzten viele Jahr‘,                                 liebten einander mehr;
Der Ohren Liebesstück es war,                         Liebesgefühl liebten sie sehr .


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