Aqua Delfina

Costeau's Safari ~ 4 Islands in 5 Days & 4 Nights

This cruise is dedicated to the legendary Jacques-Yves Cousteau, a pioneering oceanographer and filmmaker who revolutionized marine conservation and brought the wonders of the underwater world to the public. 

Dive into the Dalmatian Sea’s embrace, where snorkeling reveals a world of vibrant colors. Encounter mesmerizing underwater gardens, graceful sea creatures, and a symphony of life beneath the shimmering surface. Immerse yourself in a realm of breathtaking beauty, where vibrant reefs, exotic marine life, and crystal-clear waters promise an exhilarating adventure that will leave you in awe.

1. Day: We will start our 4-day journey in the early afternoon from Split, heading towards the island of Brač. Upon arrival, we’ll satisfy our hunger and thirst at a special restaurant that caters exclusively to the tour guests of Aqua Delfina.

Afterward, we’ll proceed to our first snorkeling experience at the Cove Martinovica. After a delightful time exploring underwater, we’ll join a voluntary evening yoga class on the beach. We’ll then enjoy the night sky and drift into a peaceful sleep.

2. Day: The next morning, following a voluntary morning yoga session, we’ll set sail from Brač Island towards Šolta Island. We’ll navigate along its northern side and anchor at the „Shipwreck Kontesa“ in the Bay of Nečujam on Šolta. After exploring this underwater home for crabs, fish & friends, we’ll enjoy our plant based meal at a carefully selected nearby restaurant.

If we choose to continue our boat tour, we’ll head to the west side of Šolta Island and stop at the beautiful sandy beach of Šipova. In the evening, we’ll take a short hike to a unique location with an astonishing view and enjoy our lunch there at a local Restaurant. We’ll likely spend a dreamy night at Šipova Beach.

3. Day: On the third morning, after the morning yoga session, we’ll sail from Šolta to Drevenik Island and have fun splashing around in the Blue Lagoon. At noon, we’ll have lunch at the nearby Konoba on Drvenik. The entire afternoon may be spent leisurely exploring the 3-Island Triangle. After dinner and a voluntary evening yoga session, we’ll rest overnight at the Blue Lagoon.

4. Day: On the fourth morning, we’ll sail towards Čiovo Island, anchor in „Rat Cove“ for lunch, and then head along Čiovo’s southern side towards Our Lady of Prizidnice. We’ll stop at a hidden, secluded sandy beach, enjoy there our vegan lunch package, where, if the weather permits, we plan to stay overnight.

5. Day: After our final morning yoga session and a reflection on the days we’ve spent together, we’ll head to Marjan Hill in Split, returning to our starting point around noon.

Note: *The Boat Tour’s Course- and Destination Directions are changeable by the Captain!

  • Tour Description

    Aqua Delfina will pick you up from the starting point and return you there at the end of the tour. Any changes or adjustments to the boat course or timing from our side can be made if necessary.

  • Tour Duration

    5 Days & 4 Nights

  • Price

    €636 per person (€159 per night per person), with a maximum of 8 participants. Please note that entrance fees, drinks, and additional food are not included in the price. The price includes: 3 plant-based lunches and 4 plant-based dinners per person, free rental of snorkel equipment, as well as the skipper, fuel, and taxes/VAT.

  • Restaurant

    During the tour, there will be stops at renowned Restaurants or Konobas.

  • Please note that a minimum of 4 participants is required for the reservation to be confirmed. If you have trouble filling your tour, we encourage you to contact us for assistance. 
  • If you prefer to keep your group within a private circle of friends, any additional spaces up to 6 or 8 participants can be reserved at an extra cost of 30% of the total price per person.
  • Youngsters and aspiring yogis up to the age of 16 may enjoy a generous 30% discount as our way of supporting their journey of self-realization.
  • All reservations require a deposit of 70% of the total price. Please note that the deposit is non-refundable in the event of cancellation. The remaining balance is kindly requested to be settled 30 days before your arrival.

Booking Request

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly.
Contact Information
Tour, Destinations, Transfer Details
Preferred Date & Time Selection

The Under-Waterworld of Thousand Sea Urchins

Fishes blue and green,
Seashells, one by one; 
Lobsters had been seen,
already they are gone.
Little Riffs with Corals, 
Medusas, wand’ring Seastars,
looring Crabs in Cave Portals
move like Underwater-Cars.
A Beauty which may bribe,
the Sun is shining through,
Seahorses in their Tribe,
everything around is Blue.
It’s own gigantic Galaxy,
beyond our Dimension;
Dolphins‘ singing in the Sea,
just one Thing to mention.
Floating then in liquid Salt , 
winding like an Eel,
get through without a Fault,
gliding like a Seal;
This Dream is too fantastic,
glowing in the Heart,
to dive down deep is very drastic,
to be now of this World a Part.
It’s Time to take a Risk,
sometimes a crime, if we don’t do,
till we arise then from the Disk,
and make the Dream come true.
Diving is the driving Passion,
cause it blows the Mind away,
not an Old Man’s fancy Fashion,
it slowly shows another Way.

Die Unter-Wasserwelt der Tausend Seeigel

Fische blau und grün,
Muscheln, eine nach der andren;
Gesehen wurden Hummer – kühn, 
nur bis sie weiter wandern.
Kleinriffs mit Korallen,
Medusen und Seesterne,
Krabben in Höhlenportalen
bewegen sich wie Autos gerne.
Schönheit die bestechen kann,
scheinende Sonnenschau,
Seepferdchen im eignen Stamm,
alles drum herum ist Blau.
Die gigantisch eigne Galaxie,
Jenseits unsrer Dimension;
Delfine singen im Meer wie nie,
man sollte dies erwähnen schon.
Wie in flüssig‘ Salze schwebend,
gewunden wie ein Aal,
ohne Fehler sich erhebend,
gleitend wie der Wal;
Dieser Traum ist zu fantastisch,
er erglüht im Herzensschein,
tief zu tauchen ist sehr drastisch,
um Teil jener Welt zu sein.
Risiko ist an der Zeit,
wär‘ ein Verbrechen s’nicht zu tun,
erhebt euch von Bequemlichkeit,
lasst jenen Traum wahr werden nun.
Tauchen, treibend‘ Leidenschaft,
weil’s den Verstand wegblasen tut,
nicht Mode alter Manneskraft,
zeigt einen andren Weg zu gut.
